Zero Waste Management

Membuat Trellis Dari Rangka Besi Bekas Frame Announcement Board Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

Building something usefull from scraps seems to make our beloved, Firman Sidik happy. He love to fixing or building or making something from junkyard materials. Kami punya beberapa besi papan pengumuman tua yang tidak terpakai, tampaknya cocok untuk dijadikan trellis rambatan mentimun diteras jadi itu yang diuplek-uplek hari ini. Save the earth by reusing old […]

Membuat Trellis Dari Rangka Besi Bekas Frame Announcement Board Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »

Membuat Kursi Dari Kurungan AC dan Kepala Tempat Tidur Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

Finally, after years we have chairs and table. This chair and table frame made with and old metal conditioner case, we just cut them in half. For the  cushion, two of them made from old headboard and other made from patchwork. Yesterday, when we finished made it, naruto, sasuke and oreo directly testing it and

Membuat Kursi Dari Kurungan AC dan Kepala Tempat Tidur Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »

Membuat Wastafel dan Kolam Entog Dari Kolam Pancuran Bertingkat Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

We still have one job this afternoon after we stumbled upon several old ourdoor fountain and pottery given by university. We never want a fountain so we thought to reuse it for outdoor sink and the biggest one is for our manila duck swimming pool. Kami hanya tinggal menyesuaikan ukuran lubang untuk pipa pembuangan menuju

Membuat Wastafel dan Kolam Entog Dari Kolam Pancuran Bertingkat Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »

Membuat Kandang Kambing dan Domba Dari Barang Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

This week we have to build a Goat pen for our four ettawa goat (Kambing Ettawa) and two sheep (Domba Garut). It consist of a big building with a separate room for each other. It have a spesific height so we could easily grab the pee and poo for fertilizer. We build their house with

Membuat Kandang Kambing dan Domba Dari Barang Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »

Membuat Oven Pizza Dari Barang Bekas Phase 3 Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

Got a few hours free from projects, so we thought we could finished a tiny bit of gardening, just a little bit, a  tiny winy work. Our options for insulating process are with mixed clay. So we mixed clay with sands and water and applied a 4 inch layer to the sides and a 6

Membuat Oven Pizza Dari Barang Bekas Phase 3 Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »

Pengolahan Limbah Dapur/Kitchen Waste Management by Biodigester

There are a lot of composting methods to use in the farm/garden, we are using four methods in our garden :1. Banana circle for composting our kitchen waste and weeds.2. Vermicompost/Worm Composting for composting our beloved pet’s poo.3. Aquaculture for our grey water reuse.4. Biodigester for composting kitchen waste and livestock poo. This is our

Pengolahan Limbah Dapur/Kitchen Waste Management by Biodigester Read More »

Membuat Meja Bar Dari Barang Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

Last week, few of an uninvited guest has arrive, makes us stumble upon how minimum interior we have to accompany our guest, we still haven’t had time to make chairs, table and others  (We sat on the floor and ground daily. So today we slowly…very slowly…scrapping upon our junkyard to find material we can

Membuat Meja Bar Dari Barang Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »

Membuat Atap Dan Trellis Dari Barang Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

We are completely backed up last week for making trellis and arch for our cucurbitas, melons, pole beans and vines since the seeds are already sprouting and they need something to lean on. We are making trellis and arch in all garden zone, because we want to make sure that we are planting on every

Membuat Atap Dan Trellis Dari Barang Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »

Membuat Oven Pizza Dari Barang Bekas Phase 2 Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

Allright then, the slab is completely dried, so we are moving on to another phase. Floor, Wall & DomeNow we get to the part to the actual oven. For the oven floor we use old bricks laid on a thin layer of sand. The bricks are not mortared to the slab for an easy replacement

Membuat Oven Pizza Dari Barang Bekas Phase 2 Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas Read More »