Our Team


We have a total end-to-end solution for realizing the circular economy movement. Our business starts from educating ourselves, implementing all we have learned on our farm to gain experience and real-world best practices. We create our products based from permaculture implementation on our farm. To realize zero waste management, we develop our own biodigester technology to process our own waste which we turn into energy (biogas) to fuel our production machine and the biodigester byproduct (bioslurry) acts as fertilizer in our farm. We have proven that we can create and sustain a circular economy with positive effect to the natural environment. Our purpose is to promote, educate, and help other people and organizations to realize circular economy by using permaculture principles and zero waste management best practices in their own projects.​


We have the following mission :

  1. Using permaculture ethics as the root of the whole process of our implementing activities.
  2. Using the whole principle of permaculture as the main stem of the entire process of activities.
  3. Carry out educational activities in the form of training, public lectures, workshops, knowledge sharing and seminars, both offline and online.
  4. Conduct programs of assistance to individuals, local farmers and local artisans to create sustainable living patterns with permaculture system to create a circular economy.


We have a vision to help individuals and the wider community to create a sustainable living, independent, and responsible throughout environment, ecology and ecosystems as an embodiment of permaculture ethics and and principles as a basic foundation for all our activities to educate and implement sustainable living patterns and zero waste management with the ultimate goal of circular economy.​


Earth Care 

People Care 

Fair Share

We Provide The Best Service And Product From 7 Years Experience On Permaculture

We have aims : 1. Disseminating a deep understanding of permaculture and sustainable living patterns. 2. Educating the next generation to have more empathy for the environment, ecology and ecosystems. 3. The creation of healthy and sustainable life patterns with overall integration between nature, humans and ecosystems

Fastest Work

We do a fastest consultation process and projects without hesitation.

High Skills

We have 7 years on implementing permaculture, sustainable living, zero waste management and circular economy.

Clean Work

We provide end-to-end solutions for all your sustainable living needs.

Proper Take Care

We don't just do a consultation, but also an after project monitoring visitation and consultation. We took care the earth, the people and the projects.

Coming Together is a Beginning

Keeping Together is Progress

Working Together is Success

Our Team


Bandung Permaculture

Listriana Suherman

Eco-Sociopreneur, Permaculturist & Circular Economy

Current Position:
 Founder, Owner & CEO at PT Pramodya Reksabumi Paramusesa.
 Co-Founder (NGO) Yayasan Mahardika Madyantara
 Co-Founder (NGO) Yayasan Pulau Hayati Lestari
 Co-Founder Fajar Bhakti Intercultural School
 Co-Founder (NGO) Permaculture Living Initiative
– Bandung Permaculture.
– Sumbawa Permaculture Institute
– Tangkahan Permaculture
 Mentor, Public Speaker & Lecturer at University, Coorporate & Community.
– Permaculture & Sustainable agriculture
– Zero Waste Management System.
– Circular Economy & Sustainable Business.

Firman Sidik


Permaculture Landscape Designer and Environment Activist


Fathur is a full time employee with full time permaculture enthusiast.

Hendy Irawan

Hendy is also constantly looking for innovative or emerging technologies that
could potentially assist Bandung Permaculture to reach its objectives. He
analyzes the broader business requirements and which to prioritize through the
use of technology. Starting his career as a Delphi and Java developer, he has
worked with various technologies including Python, NodeJS, Android, React
[Native], AWS, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Camunda BPM, REST APIs, GraphQL,
and Artificial Intelligence. He is an advocate for serverless technology,
microservices architecture, event-driven applications, and cloud-native.
He also implements digital marketing, SEO, and customer experience tools to
run effective engagement and product promotion campaigns.


Sumbawa Permaculture Institute


Robby Sahrullah

Founder Marente Ecotourism and Environmentalist


Sumbawa Local Heroes and Ecotourism Pioneer at Marente Village

Christopher Werner Hentsch

Studied malayologist and passionated environmentalist. Working on synergies between nature conservation and socio economic development.


Tangkahan Permaculture

Qintari Ayu Anindita

Clinical Hypnotheraphist
Certified Art Therapist
Inner – Child HealingOrganic life Blueprint

Christina "Illy" Huang

Environment & Waste Management Enthusiast
Permaculture Apprentice

Andriani DK

Coffee & Equestrian enthusiast
Born to integrate with nature