
Our Permaculture Garden Before – After Part 3

Q : Kak, dilihat dari postingan before after part 2, kalau kebun bagian depan kan baru mulai dioprek tahun 2019 ya. Nah kalau yang kebun bagian belakang mulai kapan?A : Wahhh, lamaa mulainya. Karena lahan ini toxic sekali ya, harus didetoxifikasi sampai full 3 tahun Q : Caranya bagaimana kak?A : Semuanya sudah tertulis di […]

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Look What Rain Have Done To Our Permaculture Garden

Bebungaan pohon buah dari pohon lemon, jeruk dekopon, jeruk shanghai, blackberry jam fruit, black sapote, plum, apel, delima, nangka, jambu air, jambu merah sampai tanaman bunga hibiscus, melati dan yang lainnya tidak terbayang banyaknya, dari ujung tangkai hingga yang paling bawah. It is a massive blossoms. Begitupula beberapa pohon cincau kami yang kembali rimbun Tampaknya

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Refugia – Marigold

Accidents do happen. When you are planning to make an herbs corner but accidentaly throw too much marigold seeds in that corner, this is what looks like. An herbs garden with miss marigold everywhere. They are tarragon, comfrey, rosemary, oregano, thyme, basil, we will add more indonesian herbs and spices very soon. Scented varieties of

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Refugia – Nasturtium

Nature wants to make your job as a gardener as easy as possible, but you have to help. So, let’s talk about putting in plants that attract the “good bugs”, the crawling and flying creatures whose diet includes pests that are ravaging your garden plants. These beneficial predatory insects do not live on aphid steaks

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