grey water reuse

Permaculture Approach 2 – Water Management. Membuat Penyimpanan Air

STORING WATER IN THE SOIL Tempat termurah dan termudah untuk menyimpan air adalah di dalam tanah. Untuk melakukan ini, kita harus fokus pada dua tujuan :1. Memperlambat, menyebarkan, dan memasukkan sebanyak-banyaknya curah hujan.2. Membangun bahan organik tanah, karena kunci kapasitas tanah untuk menampung air adalah bahan organik. Bahan organik bertindak sebagai spons dan menyerap air […]

Permaculture Approach 2 – Water Management. Membuat Penyimpanan Air Read More »

Bagaimana Cara Kita Untuk Mengurangi Jejak Karbon?

Cara untuk mengurangi jejak karbon tentu saja dimulai dari diri sendiri terlebih dahulu. Jangan seperti orang yang hanya bersuara lantang without doing nothing atau sibuk berkoar-koar menuntut pabrik untuk tutup karena mencemari lingkungan. Ingat, apabila satu jari menunjuk kedepan, empat buah jari akan selalu menunjuk ke diri sendiri. Use small and simple solution dalam lingkup

Bagaimana Cara Kita Untuk Mengurangi Jejak Karbon? Read More »

Banana Circle Become An Outdoor Bathroom

Hey guys, remember about our banana circle from previous post? Well… This year we decided to upgrade the version, banana circle kami tidak hanya akan menjadi banana circle atau tempat pengomposan ala lazy gardener dan waste management/grey water reuse saja tapi juga akan kami fungsikan sebagai… Kamar mandi outdoor… Ahahahaha. Bagi folower lama, pasti sudah

Banana Circle Become An Outdoor Bathroom Read More »

Pengolahan Limbah Dapur/Kitchen Waste Management by Biodigester

There are a lot of composting methods to use in the farm/garden, we are using four methods in our garden :1. Banana circle for composting our kitchen waste and weeds.2. Vermicompost/Worm Composting for composting our beloved pet’s poo.3. Aquaculture for our grey water reuse.4. Biodigester for composting kitchen waste and livestock poo. This is our

Pengolahan Limbah Dapur/Kitchen Waste Management by Biodigester Read More »

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Phase 2

We are decided to use aquaculture for grey water reuse from kitchen sink to the fish pond and integrated the edging with reed bed and bog area for first filtering.1. First part (Damp zone, shallow water bog zone) is for edging, Reed bed, bog area and pond marginal area.2. Second part is for pond deep

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Phase 2 Read More »

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Phase 1

We are decided to use aquaculture for grey water reuse from kitchen sink to the fish pond and integrated the edging with reed bed and bog area for first filtering.1. First part (Damp zone, shallow water bog zone) is for edging, Reed bed, bog area and pond marginal area.2. Second part is for pond deep

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Phase 1 Read More »

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Reed Beds

Aquaculture can and should be function for grey water reuse from kitchen sink or bathroom to productive ends. When the water is cleaned through a series of gravel reed bed and filtered through a series of ponds – it gets fed to fish pond and fruit trees. All the grey water is dumped into a

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Reed Beds Read More »

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Basic

We are using three methods in our garden : Banana circle for composting our kitchen waste and weeds. Vermicompost for composting our beloved pet’s poo and Aquaculture for composting/reuse our grey water. Aquaculture is any type of water, pond or wetland environment which grows or farms aquatic animals and plants. An aquaculture system provides more

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Basic Read More »