Banana Circle

Banana Circle Become An Outdoor Bathroom

Hey guys, remember about our banana circle from previous post? Well… This year we decided to upgrade the version, banana circle kami tidak hanya akan menjadi banana circle atau tempat pengomposan ala lazy gardener dan waste management/grey water reuse saja tapi juga akan kami fungsikan sebagai… Kamar mandi outdoor… Ahahahaha. Bagi folower lama, pasti sudah […]

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Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Banana Circle

There are a lot of composting methods to use in the farm/garden, we are using three methods in our garden :1. Banana circle for composting our kitchen waste and weeds.2. Vermicompost for composting our beloved pet’s poo.3. Aquaculture for our grey water reuse. Today is our schedule to make a banana circle. Banana circle is

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